
By the 05/06/2020

The 10 commitments of the Eco-Responsible Tourist when travelling to Corsica

Known for being home to a biodiversity that is prolific and unique on the European continent, Corsica has focused on the environment as a major priority and presents a mosaic of exceptional landscapes for the pleasure of its many visitors. In order to preserve this environment and to contribute to local development, Corsica has decided to engage in an approach to tourism that is sustainable, creates value and is respectful to the balance of the territory. Many of the players involved in the island's tourism are committed to reducing their environmental footprint and to improving the quality of life in order to show that a different way of experiencing Corsica is possible.

1. I prefer "sustainable" accommodation (certified, labelled, etc.)

2. I consume "responsibly" by buying local and seasonal products

3. During my stay I behave economically: I sort my waste, I try to limit my production of waste, and I watch over my water and electricity consumption

4. I preserve the natural areas by respecting the instructions and prohibitions, I stay on the marked trails when I hike  

5. I take a rubbish bag when I go out so as not to pollute the place I am exploring. I do not take plants, I profit by observing

6. I promote gentle sports activities in a natural environment

7. I consult the responsible diver charter before going on a dive

8.I choose biodegradable sun protection to preserve the seabed, lakes and rivers

9. I limit my motorised trips by choosing public transport and soft mobility, in particular by experiencing the GT 20 (Grande Traversée de la Corse à Vélo)

10. I use the dedicated sites to drain black and grey wastewaters when I am using a boat or a motorhome

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